Craft & Ethics symposium
What are the ethical responsibilities of craft today?
This international symposium aimed to explore the complex debates about labour conditions, material sourcing and perceptions of value that are central to the future identity of crafts.
The proximity of craft practices to production arguably makes the craft disciplines better positioned to safeguard their ethical standards. But what standards should we aspire to the crafts of the future upholding? How can the crafts justify the investment of maker’s time weighed against scale of audience or financial remuneration? In a world overfilled with goods, how do we defend bringing more into the world?
Keynote speakers were Christien Meindertsma, based in the Netherlands, whose recent Fibre Market project exposes new potential for textile recycling alongside the frequency with which our clothing inaccurately claims its fibre content and Australian Rod Bamford, former Head of Ceramics and Glass at the Royal College of Art, whose Digital Bamboo Research Collaboration investigated how twitter trading and the internet of things could apply to craft practices. Jessica Hemmings, Professor of Crafts at HDK, organized the speakers and chaired the event.
In 2018 Jessica Hemmings & Rod Bamford are c drafting a book proposal based on the conference theme.
Med stöd av
Konsthandverkcentrum, Röhsska Museum
Typ av arbete
international symposium
Offentliggjord i
November 24-25, 2017, HDK, Röhsska Museum, Nääs
Länk till verkets webbplats
Övrig beskrivning
Friday November 24th (Röhsska auditorium),
17:00-18:30 Registration,
18:30-19:00 Introduction Jessica Hemmings,
19:00-20:00 Keynote Christien Meindertsma,
20:00-22:00 Mingle ,
Saturday November 25th (Valand),
10:00-11:00 Keynote Rod Bamford,
11:00-12:30 Katja Pettersson, Nicolas Cheng,
Karin Auran Frankenstein and Tomas Auran,
12:30-14:15 Lunch with group discussions; groups to return a question to the final panel discussion. (Both English and Swedish-speaking groups),
14:15-15:45 Märta Mattsson, Birgitta Nordström, Hilda Hellström,
15:45-16:00 Coffee,
16:00-16:45 panel discussion moderated by Jessica Hemmings
16:45-17:00 event concludes
Hemmings, Jessica
material meaning
artistic work