Playing the Stanislavskian Magic If in organizational change (Performative lecture)
Presentation summary: Victoria Brattström is a Swedish Theatre Director and Actor currently pursuing her PhD studies in Performance in Theatre and Music Drama at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. As the point of departure for her performative lecture at the Vaba Lava Theatre Expanded conference she shares experiences from her work with Artistic Interventions in Organisations and presents examples from her current thesis work. The PhD study Playing oneself as if another acting and directing strategies as practical approaches in person centered heath care is a collaborative project co-founded by the Academy of Music and Drama ( and University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care ( The study holds the dual aim of exploring: (1) how particular techniques of acting and directing can contribute to person-centred healthcare practices and (2) how ideas underpinning person-centred healthcare practices can have an impact on theatre-based thinking and on the field of performing arts in general. Within the study the Konstantin Stanislavski (1863 - 1938) concept of the Magic If is piloted in person-centred health care as a means to frame and interpret the phenomena of partnership. In her presentation, Victoria elaborates on how the Stanislavskian Magic If and Method of Physical Action could be used to shed light on interpersonal aspects of communication between healthcare professionals and patient. She also discusses how ideas from the person-centred healthcare context, and their connectedness to existential philosophy, may impact theatre-based thinking and practice.
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The Future of Performing Arts: Theatre Expanded, International conference, Performing Arts Centre Vaba Lava (Telliskivi 60a/C1, Tallinn) Estonia, 22-23 May, 2017
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International conference – The Future of Performing Arts: Theatre Expanded, Performing Arts Centre Vaba Lava (Telliskivi 60a/C1, Tallinn). During the two days, participants from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Germany and the United States are tackling issues related to both institutional and organizational changes as well as artistic tendencies in the performing arts; future visions both for the society and the arts. The conference is organized in the framework of Interreg Central Baltic project Theatre Expanded, which winds up a two-year producer training course taking place simultaneously at the Performing Arts Centre Vaba Lava and the New Theatre Institute of Latvia as well as the Vaba Lava international curated programme of the 2015/2017 seasons. The focus of the last two seasons was on German-speaking countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The curators were Thomas Frank (Germany) and Madli Pesti (Estonia). It is also supported by the Goethe Institute and the Finnish Institute in Estonia (Suomi 100).
Brattström, Victoria
Acting, Directing, Performance, Artistic Research, Performing Arts, Theatre-based thinking, Person-centred healthcare, Narrative Medicine, Organizational Change, Artistic interventions in Organizations, Arts-based Initiatives