Profeten Jona. En receptionshistorisk analys av utvalda antika judiska respektive kristna källor
Jonah the Prophet. A Reception Critical Analysis of Selected Ancient Jewish and Christian Sources
This essey addresses the reception history of Jonah the prophet. Today, Jonah's book is a bit of a hidden one. However, during late senegation, this book became important in two traditions; the jewish and the christian. This is indicated by the early use that was made of it.
The purpose of this essey is to investigate the way in which Jonah's book became important.
To do this, I have selected three jewish and three christian ancient primer sources, which look at Jonah´s book from different perspectivs, to analyze and compare out of a reception history perspective. My main questiones are: What does the reception of Jonah's book, and its message, look like in my primer sources and what similarities and / or differences are there to
discern through a comparison between the sources? My method is reception critical analysis.
Many interesting similarities and differences have been found.
As a conclusion: My scrutiny says that the clearest red thread through the reception of Jonah in the two traditions is to be found in the reconciliation thought. In christian tradition, Jonah lives through Jesus' words about Jonah's sign. In jewish tradition, Jonah is a significant part of the greatest jewish feast; Jom Kippur – the Day of Atonement.
Student essay
Olindersson, Angelica
Reception Critical Analysis
Reception History
Canon Critical Analysis
Yom Kippur
The Day of Atonement
Old Testament
New Testament
The Sign of Jonah
Book of the Twelve
Minor Prophets