Stratifiering av den svenska skolan- En studie om hur normer och värderingar inom lärarkåren påverkar attityd gentemot förstelärarreformen
Stratification within professions have sometimes been seen as a matter of de-professionalization and sometimes as an opportunity for the professionals to reclaim empowerment due to its occupation. The stratification theory suggest that professions are powerful institutional actors with capacity to reorganize in order to benefit from a more hieratic organizational structure. Simultaneously stratification might also fracture the norms and values of autonomy, equality and collegiality which often are associated with professions. This study examines how norms and values associated with the profession of teachers are related with attitude towards a reform intended to develop a career path (förstelärarreformen) in the Swedish school system. I find a general relation between norms of autonomy and intra-professional competition and the attitude towards the reform. I also find that some institutional structures might enhance this relationship but that institutional impact is rather complex. My conclusion is that the relationship between attitude towards the reform and norms of autonomy and intra-professional competition might indicate that implementation of the förstelärarreformen has fractured these norms and values associated with the profession of teachers.
Student essay