MÄNSKLIGA RÄTTIGHETER KONTRA DEN INRE SÄKERHETEN En idéanalys av EU:s bemötande av två flyktingströmmar
MÄNSKLIGA RÄTTIGHETER KONTRA DEN INRE SÄKERHETEN En idéanalys av EU:s bemötande av två flyktingströmmar
The aim of this study is to conduct a comparison between the response of the EU to two events, namely the refugees from Bosnia during the 1990’s and the European refugee crisis from 2015. With regards to these events, this study will clarify whether the ideas of the EU have stronger tendencies towards realism or liberalism. The former is characterized by a focus on the means to protect the internal security of the union, whereas the latter prioritizes human
rights and refugee protection. Documents published by the EU will be used to illustrate these
tendencies in the shape of an idea analysis. This method will also be complemented by a comparative method, given that it is a comparison between two events being made. Elements
of both realism and liberalism were evident and in some cases these ideas were ambiguous.
However, the results implied that ideas based on realism are meaningfully stronger for the
more recent event compared to the former.
Student essay
Tecklegiorgis, Deborah
Mänskliga rättigheter, Inre säkerhet, Realism, Liberalism, EU, Bosnien, flyktingkris
Human rights, Internal security, Realism, Liberalism, EU, Bosnia, refugee crisis