TEMPUS FUGIT - Om effektivitet i förundersökningar av brott mot barn
Aims and objectives: The aim of the present study is to identify and analyze the factors that may stand in the way of the efficiency of investigations of crimes against children in the context of Barnahus Gothenburg’s activities. Furthermore, the study investigates whether there are methods in use that can increase efficiency. Finally, this study also aims at finding new approaches, based on research and practitioners' suggestions, that may prevent or counteract the obstructive factors. Method and data: The main methods for collecting data consisted of observations of “samråd” (consultation meetings) and “medhörningsforum” (participation forums) at Barnahus Gothenburg and interviews with several actors involved there. The results were then discussed using the problem-oriented policing approach and SARA. Results: The lack of time and resources is a continuous problem for all the practitioners who work together at Barnahus. This, in combination with the fact that the consultation meetings are not fully utilized, results in several investigative measures not being prepared and executed on time. The practitioners' knowledge of children in combination with the interrogation method used are beneficial aspects when it comes to achieving higher efficiency. However, there are also some problems with how efficiency issues are currently managed. There are for example no continuous evaluations of how these measures work. Among the improvements proposed by the actors, the proposals relating to knowledge acquisition are supported by research. It may also be important to focus on using the consultation meetings better and to find strategies to prevent the investigation from slowing down after the first child hearing.
Student essay
Brander, Karla
preliminary investigations
crimes against children