Could Specialist Support Affect Patients’ Adherence to COPD Treatment
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is increasing among the Swedish population. Today approximately one in ten in the ages 45 and 65 are affected by the disease but WHO predicts that COPD will become the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030. Improved care could lead to less suffering for the individual and lower costs for society.
In September 2015, the Deputy Hospital Manager at Sahlgrenska University Hospital signed an order to create a clinic dedicated to the treatment of COPD. The order states that the clinic shall exist for 3 years until an evaluation should be made determining its continued existence. This paper compares knowledge of the disease, smoking habits and adherence to therapy by comparing newly admitted and recurring patients at the COPD-centre using a questionnaire designed to measure these variables. Recurring patients has a better knowledge about their disease, a difference that is statistically significant, on the contrary, there is no statistical difference on adherence to medication even though a graphical difference can be seen. The information on smoking is effective. 34% of the newly admitted patients smoke regularly whereas only 15% of the recurring patients do so, a 56% reduction in active smokers. A visit to the COPD-centre is positive for the patients. Their knowledge about COPD increases, which earlier studies has shown having a positive impact on adherence to therapy, and the share of active smokers is reduced significantly. Nonetheless, continued research is needed to more specifically target exactly what a visit to the COPD-centre does that causes this positive change
Student essay