The Potential of Printed Matter
In the show The Potential of Printed Matter we turned the process of making a book visible to the viewer. We wanted to welcome the visitor to touch and feel the published booksand at the same time present the process of making the books on the walls of the gallery.
Med stöd av
Kulturstyrelsen i Köpenhamn
Beskrivning av projektet
The Potential of Printed Matter is a group show organized by the publishing collective Blackbook Publications. The purpose of the show was to investigate and deconstruct the making and the reading of the exhibiting artists artist books. The shows layout welcomed the visitor to touch and flip through books meanwhile navigating the walls that contained extracts from each artists work. Some of the walls where organized with classic framed photographs while others contained mind maps of interconnections between our works. We wanted to draw connections between our artistic practices and the process of making books, such as the editorial part as wellas the work with layout. The walls both worked as mind maps and as spread from a book. This show triggered a process for some of the Artists in the Black book collective. We realized that the ingrediencies of the making of a book is interesting form to continue to work with and for our upcoming show at Alingsås Konsthall early 2019 we will work with the space in such way that the visitor is invited to themselves produce, publish and distribute their own artists books.
Typ av arbete
Exhibiting Artist and Curator in Group show
Offentliggjord i
KRÆ Gallery / as a part of Copenhagen Photo Festival 2018
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Sanner, Kalle
Artist book
Exhibiting Artist Books
artistic work