The Rear Mirror Project / Artwork Ongoing, (version one)
During spring 2018, Kerstin Bergendal assembled 20 municipal civil servants of Halmstad city in a vacated bus station, located on an old square which they had all had a part in redeveloping. Through her mode of enquiry, a chain of decisions leading up to the future square is revealed. By documenting this conversation, Bergendal also logged her own artistic method, to discuss it critically with others.
Med stöd av
Region Halland / Art Inside Out, by Petra Johansson
Akademin Valand, Gothenburg University, Sweden
Statens Kunstfond, Danmark
Beskrivning av projektet
The Rear Mirror Project/ Konstnärligt arbete pågår
took its point of departure in a specific geographical place - a square in the very center of Halmstad. For centuries, this square had served as a port of arrival to and departure from Halmstad City by car and/ or ship, and until 2018 it had also acted the main bus station of Halmstad.
In Spring 2018, the municipal urban development committee decided to radically transform the entire square. A new and very tall hotel was to be placed close to the relatively new museum of contemporary art, connecting and kick-starting a major municipal urban development scheme for the neighboring banks along the river Nissan.
During three Fridays of Spring 2018 - the 19th of January, the 5th of February and the 2nd of March - I intervened on the square by appropriating the vacated office and staff area of the local public bus company. To these abandoned rooms, I invited a group of about 20 people to meet and speak about the reorganization of the square. All of them had at some point played, or would play a role in relation to the redefinition of Österskans – either as civil servants or as representatives of organizations located around the square. My proposal to them was to “roll the film backward” – and collectively reflect on the chain of events that now had led to the proposed new square. What leads to what?
After each conversation, I inserted a spatial change, based on something that had been produced during the dialogues. Thus, the ephemeral exchange was gradually inscribed in a different imaginary than the hotel; the image of a possible commons. A multi-layered and “neutral” space for public deliberation, play and for linking the past and the present of Halmstad.
As companions on the ride, I also invited art historian /artist Mick Wilson and the Danish artist Anne Mette Ruge. I asked them to add their viewpoints and challenge the dialogues with their questions.
I also invited the Swedish filmmaker Kristina Meiton and sound artist Helena Persson to record the entire dialogue process. The footage opens for me the possibility to subsequently back-track and critically review my own modes of working. The actual editing of this material is expected to be concluded ultimo 2019, but a short video from the first Friday session was produced to be presented at the Halmstad Konsthall 18th of April 2018, in connection with an exhibition featuring three art projects of Art Inside Out in Halmstad, curated by Petra Johansson in 2018.
The Rear Mirror Project/ Konstnärligt arbete pågår was in addition presented in Gothenburg as a part of TAKING PLACE, a series of public events, organized and presented by artist-educators working in Fri Konst at Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg. My presentation was documented by Kristina Meiton.
With these events, Valand lecturers offered their take on how processes and methods of research shape their individual works and their overall practices, and on how to include research in the context of artistic production. The different dialogues were moderated by the international curator Lucy Cotter (UK). The Rear Mirror Project/ Konstnärligt arbete pågår was thus introduced at Konstepediemien in Gothenburg the 25th of October 2018, in conjunction with a presentation by Jason E Bowman of his project the live performance of PEACE (After Aristophanes).
Typ av arbete
Performing a intervention/ dialogue in three parts, leading to a partial spatial transformation of the chosen site. A video documentation of this process, opening for critical reflection about the role of the artist in such a process.
Offentliggjord i
a) Published in the exhibition Artistic Work In Progress, organized by curator Petra Johansson at Halmstad Konsthall 18th of April 2018. b) published at Swedish version+ introduction see English version see NB: This project was also introduced at a public presentation at Konstepediemien the 25th of October 2018, in conjunction with TAKING PLACE, a series of public presentations organised and presented by artist-educators working in Fri Konst at Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg.
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Bergendal, Kerstin
Artistic intervention
social turn
artistic work