“Boxing and Unboxing” Guestroom Residency / Calendar
This body of temporal, performative, physical and dialogical work explores the question ”How can boxing, which is so focused on an individual fighting against another individual, survival of the fittest and fastest, be used as a feminist, and/or creative tool?” (Ar Parmacek) It is part of Marabouparken Konsthall Guestroom programme inviting collectives to develop new strands of practice in order to explore the struggle for collectivity and equality in an age of individualism - based on Leela Ghandi's book "The Common Cause".
Med stöd av
Stiftelsen Parken, Marabouparken Konsthall Stockholm
Beskrivning av projektet
A five-month solo project as part of Marabouparken Konsthall Guestroom program consisting of
• AND Publishing unboxing room at Marabouparken Konsthall Stockholm displaying AND Publishing's archive of past, current and future projects.
(21 April – 26 August 2018)
• a two-week intensive boxing training for self-defining women. (11 – 22 June 2018)
• two public talks at Marabouparken Konsthall.
(6 May, 16 June 2018)
• a one-day collage workshop. (26 August 2018)
• a set of printed T-shirts “Box me in? No thank you”
• a set of four printed posters in Swedish, English, Arabic, Tigrinya.
• a poster disclosing a set of questions.
• a publication distributed by Marabouparken Konsthall, Stockholm and AND Publishing, London, 2018.
This body of works responds to Marabouparken Konsthall Guestroom programme inviting collectives to develop new strands of practice in order to explore the struggle for collectivity and equality in an age of individualism - based on Leela Ghandi's book "The Common Cause".
Starting with a list of questions, such as “Who gives in?” “Who compromises?” “Who accommodates?” “Who cares?” “Who edits?” “Who organizes?” “Who translates?” “Do we need a new, less tired and exclusive language to talk about all of this?” “And how do you document laughter?” (see full set of questions on poster in appendix) this new body of works explores the question ”How can boxing, which is so focused on an individual fighting against another individual, survival of the fittest and fastest, be used as a feminist, and/or creative tool?” (Ar Parmacek, in ”Boxing and Unboxing Calendar”, London: AND Publishing, 2018)
Boxing club: To investigate these questions AND in collaboration with Jenny Richards (curator Marabouparken Konsthall Stockholm) organized two weeks of intensive boxing training for self-defining women in order to learn non-verbal negotiation, care, anger, dialogue, transgressions and defence; to learn to ‘relate’ and help to find a way to address the entangled conflicts and contradictions one has to negotiate. The boxing classes were taught by boxers Sofia Thorne and Airin Fardipour and hosted by Project Playground in Hallonbergen, Sundbyberg.
Publication: "Boxing and Unboxing"
A4, spiral bound, black &white and colour, 92 pages, produced and edited by Eva Weinmayr and Rosalie Schweiker, published and distributed by, AND Publishing London, Marabouparken Konsthall Stockholm, 2018.
Calendar with collages, documentation and instructions from boxing classes for self-defining women and non-binary people. Jokes, motivational quotes and exercises also included as well as a text by artist and writer Ar Parmacek. It can be used for any year, just add the weekdays yourself. Comes with a little hanger to liven up your wall space or can stand on your table.
The making of this publication can be understood as a method to capture the spirit and experiences of the boxing training during AND’s Guestroom Residency, which asked “How can boxing, which is so focused on individual fighting against another individual, survival of the fittest and fastest, be used as a feminist, and/or creative tool?” (Ar Parmacek)
The visuals and collages have been produced with the boxers, who came to the boxing classes in a one-day workshop at Marabouparken Konsthall as a way to communicate through visuals rather than words.
This work has been peer-reviewed by Ar Parmacek in “Boxing and Unboxing Calendar”, AND Publishing, 2018
Typ av arbete
Artistic work
Offentliggjord i
Marabouparken Konsthall Stockholm
Länk till verkets webbplats
Weinmayr, Eva
Schweiker, Rosalie
Publishing, AND
Queer Politics
Radical Publishing
Political Imaginaries
Forms of Activism
artistic work