Luktpioner som såldes i Dalarna. En sortimentsanalys av luktpioner i Vassbo trädskola 1895 − 1972
Garden peonies available to buy in Dalarna. An assortment analysis of garden peonies in Vassbo nursery garden 1895 − 1972
In this essay an assortment analysis of old price lists, from a nursery garden in Vassbo, has been made to present a compilation of which cultivars of garden peonies (Paeonia lactiflora) that were available to buy in Dalarna during the years 1895 − 1972.
Through the assortment analysis 45 different cultivars of garden peonies were found. They are all presented in this essay, the colour and shape of the flower together with other information about the different cultivars and their occurrence in the price lists. The result of the assortment analysis has been compiled in both text and tables. When the cultivars are found for the first time in the price lists, which years they were a part of the assortment of Vassbo, from which countries, nursery gardens and breeders they came and the time it took for them, from introduction until they became a part of the assortment of Vassbo, is presented.
Cultivars of France were by far most dominant in the assortment of Vassbo. Other countries to have cultivars were England, USA and the Netherlands. Some of the cultivars were a part of the assortment during a long time but most common was that they stayed for a shorter period. In general, the assortment consisted of the same cultivars for two or three years before it was changed. Some cultivars stayed, some were leaving, new ones were introduced, and others returned once again after some years of absence. This led to an assortment which through the years was very varied. Varied was also the time it took for the cultivars to become a part of the assortment after introduction and it seemed to depend most on whether they were introduced long before Vassbo even had been established or in the beginning of 1900 when the nursery garden had begun to sell garden peonies.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot trädgårdens hantverk, 2019.
Ottosson, My
Paeonia lactiflora
garden peonies
Vassbo trädskola