Länsträdgårdsmästarnas verksamhet - med en fallstudie i Södermanlands län för perioden 1880-1910
The business of the county gardeners - with a case study in Södermanland County for the period 1880-1910
In the 1860s, the Agricultural Society in Sweden began to hire so-called county gardeners. Research and literature on the subject of "county gardeners" providing an overall picture of their work are today very limited. This study aims to investigate the business and work of the county gardeners in Sweden. More specifically, the study will focus on country gardeners in Södermanland County during the period between 1880 and 1910. The following questions form the basis of this study:
What general information can available literature provide about the county gardeners' employment and work?
What overall picture do ”Södermanland Läns femårsberättelser” and ”Södermanlands Läns Hushållningssällskaps Handlingar” provide of the county gardeners' business and work in the county?
At first, the county garderners main assignment was to assist the public, especially the agricultural population, with advice and information on gardening. However, their work became more practical and included assignments such as pruning, planting, installation work and lectures. The county gardeners were involved in the creation of numerous of different gardens at schools, farms and country homes and became pioneers in horticulture.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård
med inriktning mot trädgårdens hantverk,
Bergfeld, Lisa
county garderners
agricultural society
the Södermanlands County Agricultural Society