Att lyfta en klockstapel. En studie av en hantverkares arbetsmetoder
Raising a campanile. Investigating the methods of a timber framer
This thesis investigates the procedures surrounding lifting and what kind of lifting
equipment is used by an experienced carpenter when lifting campaniles. A qualitative
interview was performed with campanile specialist and experienced timber framer Mattias Hallgren, with years in the field investigating and lifting campaniles with a focus of the region Västergötland. During the interview Mattias was sharing his experiences regarding lifting a certain type of campanile, quite typical for the region, in Swedish referred to as ”Klockbock”. The result shows a variety of different tools to facilitate lifting of a campanile,
but also the procedures showing how to lift a campanile, where these mentioned resources such as a steel trestle referred to as ”A-bock” etc. are valued to be of relevance. One of the conclusions stated through this thesis is the value of careful documentation of the object at hand, in this case campaniles, before performing any operations of it, to learn more about the cultural heritage it represents, about the materials it is made of, the ancient technology and craftsmanship behind it, as well as an understanding of the people and the methods that once built this structure. Doing this helps us as craftsmen of today planning our part of the campaniles history through lifting it, and doing so with as little heritage harming measures as possible. Further on, a
carefully thought out documentation of the process, can hopefully lead to future operations being carried out with understanding of the object at hand, and the interest and respect needed to fulfill those caring measures of historic buildings they so deserve.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Bygghantverk, 2019
Fondin, Daniel
Cultural Heritage
timber frame
3D model