Från hus till hus i en återbruksprocess -Potentialen för återbruk som materiell och meningsskapande resurs i nybyggnation.
From house to house in a recycling process -The potential for recycled building material as material resource and meaning-creating material in new constructions.
The general building sector has, since time of industry, left the Nordic building tradition to build to be able
to repair, upgrade and move buildings, or parts of buildings. A large amount of building waste comes from
the general building sector. The essay investigates an experimental housing in Svartlamon, Trondheim, built
of reused and recyclable building materials. The theoretical point of departure actor network theory (ANT),
helps to analyze the organization, with people and non-people actors behind the recycling process in
Svartlamon. The goal is also to understand the potential for reuse of building material and the circulation
of building fragments in order to be able to preserve and develop the cultural heritage and drive cultural
heritage processes.
An individual stakeholder and self-builder from Svartlamon help to describe the steps and motives behind
the recycling process, material handling, opportunities and problem-forming in the process, as well as
individual motives for method selection. The recycled materials have proven to be able to create historical
and cultural significance and generated a different view on building materials as something more long lasting
according to the self-builders in Svartlamon. Using older building materials can contribute to bringing
together a historical continuity and pursue a cultural heritage process within its context.
There is reason to relate the individual initiative of the recycling process within the key actors' driving forces
for a circular material and resource management in a larger context. In order to change overall production
and consumption patterns, the Swedish Government have introduced general objectives for more suitable
handling of resources, for a better recycling model and believes that it must be incorporated in politics. The
Swedish Naturvårdsverket has taken measures and introduced control of building waste, with the goal to reach
a more sustainable and circular trade of building parts, within the general building sector. Using recycled
building materials has proved extra time consuming and would need to be more rational if the method
would be integrated into a conventional commercial building sector. With directives from the central actors
with impact in the recycling processes question, and with visible ongoing recycling processes at individual
level, is the expectation that both the pressure and experience from the different levels can generate recycling
processes in other building- and culture heritage processes further.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Kandidatuppsats, 15 hp
Bebyggelseantikvariskt program
Lå 2018/19
Göteborgs Universitet, Kulturvård
Lundmark, Jessica
Circular economy
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage process
ISSN 1101-3303