Sammanvägning av parameterskattningar i fallkontrollstudier med matchade och slumpmässigt valda kontroller
In statistical studies, it is a common practice to have a number of study objects that
are sampled from a population. Then they are followed for the purpose of studying how
a factor of interest develops over time. For epidemiological studies in particular, this
is a typical approach. However, if the event of interest in the study occurs rarely, this
approach is often impractical. In these cases, it might be more appropriate to carry out
a retrospective study, a study of events that have already occurred.
One type of retrospective study that is frequently used, is the case-control study. The
basic concept of a case-control study is that a number of cases of the event of interest
is selected, from a population. Then controls, “non-cases”, are sampled from the same
population, and a statistical analysis is performed on this group of cases and controls.
The controls can be sampled randomly, or they could be selected by matching certain
factors against those of the cases, for example gender or age.
These two different methods for selecting controls come with various advantages and
disadvantages. Therefore, it would be beneficial to be able to combine results produced
using each of the methods, in a way that preserves their advantages, but minimizes
their drawbacks. This is the main purpose of this study. We want to investigate to
what degree it is possible to improve the accuracy of the results from a case-control
study, by using a combination of the results from two substudies, using matched and
randomly sampled controls, but with the same cases.
The data used in our study are produced from computer simulations. For simulations
and calculations we use different packages within the R programming language. The
statistical methods we mainly use are logistic regression, conditional logistic regression,
bootstrapping and the least squares method.
We conclude from our analysis that it is possible to achieve an essential improvement
in accuracy of the results, by comparing results from studies with matched and randomly
sampled controls.
Student essay
Boman, Mikael
Holm, Ove
Jansson, Leo
Odin, Daniel
Rezazadeh, Erik H
Retrospective study, Case-control study, Matched controls, Randomly selected controls, Logistic regression, Conditional logistic regression, Maximum-likelihood estimation, Bootstrap, Generalized linear models