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dc.contributor.authorSheikh Othman, Emad
dc.descriptionMSc in Logistics and Transport Managementsv
dc.description.abstractThis report deals with the environmental impacts of using oil-based fuels in the sea shipping industry. Evaluating three alternative fuels to replace or complement current fuels used in sea shipping sector in order to achieve better environmental performance. The increase in the sea shipping activities in the recent draw the attention toward the environmental impacts and emissions resulted from these logistic operations. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, alongside with other emissions can result in major environmental issues, affects aquatic systems, shortages of freshwater as well as affecting human health. This paper evaluated and compared different types of alternative fuels (LNG, Biodiesel, and BioEthanol) that have less damaging environmental effects and it can complement or replace oil-based fuels used in the maritime shipping industry and can fulfill the International maritime organization environmental requirements and regulations. After analyzing the three types selected, the author finds out that liquefied natural gas LNG has more advantages than biodiesel and bioethanol. LNG has the highest potential to become the fuel of the future since it has better environmental impacts than oil-based fuels and it can offer high operational efficiency and it can bring high economic
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMaster Degree Projectsv
dc.subjectAlternative fuelssv
dc.subjectsea shipping industrysv
dc.subjectiquefied natural gas LNGsv
dc.titleThe Potential for Alternative Fuels in Maritime shipping (A Literature Review) —Focus on LNG and Biofuels (Biodiesel & Ethanol)—sv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Graduate Schooleng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Graduate Schoolswe
dc.type.degreeMaster 2-years

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