Re-integration of sex trafficking victims in Romania ̶ And the role of the social work professionals
Re-integration of sex trafficking victims in Romania ̶ And the role of the social work professionals
The aim of this study was to explore how social work professionals describe re-integration of young female victims of sex trafficking in Romania. This study was based on eight semi-struc-tured in-depth interviews with social work professionals in Romanian anti-trafficking organi-zations. These were later analyzed using thematic analysis. The research questions were as fol-lows: How do the social work professionals describe successful re-integration of sex trafficking victims?, From the perspective of the social work professionals, which factors constrain or fa-cilitate successful re-integration?, How do the social work professionals view their own role in the re-integration process?
The research findings indicate that the social work professionals relate successful re-integration to being independent and not in a vulnerable state. The professionals moreover describe the individual wishes and goals of the women as related to the successfulness of the re-integration. Findings show that there are several constraining as well as facilitating factors in the re-inte-gration process of the trafficking victims. Depending on whether a factor is lacking or existing it can work either as constraining or facilitating. The presence or lack of social support resources was found to be of particular importance, as well as the women’s personal resources such as their skills and capacities. Findings also highlight the paramount role of the social work profes-sionals throughout the re-integration process, and how they have established tools enhancing the achievement of the women’s own wishes and goals.
Student essay
Valentina, Barchiesi
Maria-Elisa, Stenius
Re-integration, victims of sex trafficking, Romania, social worker’s role, anti-trafficking organizations