Not just a kvinnofråga A content analysis of Swedish press portrayals of men & #MeToo
With its sudden outbreak in October 2017, the anti-harassment movement #MeToo quickly created a
vast, worldwide impact on social media, in the traditional press as well as in everyday lives. In Sweden
especially, a country with a long history in fighting for gender equality, women in their thousands
shared their stories of sexual harassment and came together both as individuals and as occupational
groups to raise a collective voice. Slowly the focus also turned to the role of men in relation to the
movement, the problems raised and the solutions posed. Based on a framework of media framing analysis
and various studies on masculinity, this paper examines the ways the male gender has been portrayed
in opinionated Swedish press coverage during the first three and a half months of #MeToo. The methodology
centres around a quantitative cluster analysis strategy that aids in identifying distinct media
frames. The findings demonstrate how the three frames that emerge from the sample data all characterise
the surfacing topics and male identity roles in thematically different ways (Power, Education and
Risk Frames). Furthermore, the study discusses how female journalists take a critical stance towards the
problematic structures of society more often than men, who on the contrary focus more on the educational
importance of changing male norms.
Master theses
Shaw, Elissa
content analysis
media framing
gender portrayal