MAKING SENSE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: How sensemaking is used to drive early stage change
This thesis investigates sensemaking in an IT company that undergo change in connection with digital transformation. The study focuses on the managerial perspective in the early stage of change where the main challenge often is to motivate and lead people. The theoretical framework with eight sensemaking mechanisms by Iveroth and Hallencreutz (2016) is used as an analytical lens throughout the study. Empirical data in forms of in-depth interviews, informal observations and documents were analyzed in order to identify how different mechanisms of sensemaking is used by managers in the organization when they communicate the change message. Out of the eight mechanisms, we identified that change through logic of attraction, provide a direction, translate as well as stay in motion is essential during the early stage of change, where they can be used by the change leader to mobilize support from the employees. The findings can guide managers to lead when they prepare for change. Further, the results contribute to the body of knowledge about sensemaking and how it is used during early stages of change processes. Our conclusion is that the framework by Iveroth and Hallencreutz is useful when applied to understand a sensemaking process.
Master theses
Brandin, Anna
Larsson Ylipuranen, Petra
digital transformation
organizational change