Effects of Video Compression formats on Neural Network Performance
The field of autonomous vehicles and driverless cars
is a field which makes extensive use of machine learning and
artificial intelligence, relying on it to make decisions. These
decisions require a vast amount of data in order to be properly
inferred. This data is often in the form of images from a video
feed and an increase in the amount of data is directly correlated to
more refined decision making. What if you could remove certain
parts of the data by compressing the image input, and how
would that influence the performance of the different machine
learning algorithms? In this report we have two datasets that
we compress in different ways. We then analyze the results
of running a pre-trained neural network model on them, and
compare it’s performance to that of running the same neural
network model on the non-compressed datasets. The results
show that the removal of data via compression is not in a
linear relationship with neural network performance, and that
depending on the compression type, results may be favorable or
Student essay
Stanoevich, Marko
Partain, Jonathan