Recent Submissions

  • From space to place 

    Gavelin, Charlotta (2022-06-02)
    In this essay, I have discussed a number of choices made through a photographic field work about a chosen place. By considering the archive as a space with a possible built in creative intensity, archive material intertwined ...
  • Auktoritet inom skolans värld En forskningsöversikt om auktoritetsförhållandet mellan lärare och elev 

    Eberius, Anton; Ricklund, Malin (2022-05-03)
    Hur en lärare ska agera och verka inom ett klassrum har de flesta en åsikt om, ofta grundas åsikterna utifrån den egna skolgången. Synen på hur den svenska skolan ska vara utformad och vilken auktoritet en lärare ska ...
  • Strategies of counter Image-Making of Arabs' portrayals in Swedish films through a Decolonial Approach 

    Kassab, Yaser (2022-06-01)
    Many groups and marginalized communities have been struggling for better representation in the media and film in different countries for many reasons. One of them is the direct effects of stereotypification on their ...
  • Feelings transformed 

    Edström, Daria (2022)
  • Släpp formen fri – Bokstavsklubben 

    Widell, Nora (2022)
    This project has gone by the name “Release the form” and later on got the subheading “The Letter Club”. The purpose of the project has been to explore various playful methods that generate letter-forms and make this available ...
  • Att nära en bilderbok 

    Graas, Hanna (2022)
    Adults read less and less for their children and this project wants to advocate reading, as part of children's language development and for building relationships between children and adults. The intention of the project ...
  • Din och min plats 

    Quach, Pia (2022)
    The project is focusing on how design can prevent cultural identity crises in relation to language. Language is one of many factors that shape one's identity. If, for example, you are multilingual, you constantly create ...
  • Look! Ett fanzine om queer historia 

    Löfberg, Anna (2022)
    LOOK! Ett fanzine om queer historia (LOOK! A fanzine about queer history) is a project aiming to shed light on the often forgotten queer parts of world history through the medium of an illustrated fanzine. Aimed at young ...
  • Remember life 

    Lundström, Petter (2022)
    In this paper it is explained the process and result of making grave markers with new materials, designs and considerations. The meaning bearing foundation of these are bronze casts of objects, everyday items, that ...
  • Art Logo Desire Commerce - Konsten och kommersens samspel i det konstnärliga rummet 

    Ketter, Clara (2021-11-11)
    Kommande essä är en undersökande kartläggning av konsten och kommersens samspel, med ett inkluderat fokus på egna reflektioner. Målet är att försöka uppnå någon form av uppgörelse mellan individen, mig själv och vårt ...
  • The Social Matters 

    Ocklund, Herman; Madej, Agnieszka (2022)
    This project explores design as a social practice that provokes changes. The context that this project operates in is a growing private organization, which is a dynamic and market­oriented environment. The two core ...
  • Jeg ser inn i kameraet og ut over verden 

    Rusdal, Markus (2021-11-19)
  • SUFFERCITY - En tecknad serie 

    Axelsson, Emely (2022-06-03)
    The project Suffercity is a fictional comic inspired by the subject of suffering and what it can mean for individuals with different backgrounds. Both humans and animals are included in this conversation. The comic is meant ...
  • Lekkontoret - designing an environment for participatory design practices between adult designers and children 

    Paterson, Catherine (2021)
    Article 12 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child asserts that children have the right to participate in society, express their views and have their opinions respected. A 2009 revision of the Article outlines ...

    Berntsson, Tobias (2022-06-09)
    Throughout my studies I’ve sought to expand my personal communication in art. Letting my private stories and struggles shape my work and through them learning to understand myself better. For my examproject I delved into ...
  • Fabric of Nature, A artistic study of my body’s biotope and biomaterials 

    Norrman Firus, Lea (2022-06-09)
    This project is on one side a scientific process of creating new sustainable materials and on the other a artistic research of what it means to be part of nature. The biomaterials that have been explored include: ...
  • Orthopaedics 

    Ritzenthaler, Théotime (2022-06-06)
    Suffering from an injury forced me to reconsider my relationship to my body, but also left me facing the choice of seeking treatment and to confront a distant and alien world. Medicine seemed ruthless, relentless and ...

    Candido, Emerson João (2022-06-06)
    This exam project is a development of an idea of a body of work that began a year ago when I was working on my previous project when I decided to rework it and use it as my major project for my final exam. It is a ...
  • WHEN I AM AMONG THE TREES An exploration into the space between human and non-human centred perspective. 

    Kettle, Alice (2020-06-15)
    With this project, I am exploring the space between human and non-human centred perspectives. Through an interdisciplinary approach to research, I will adopt and translate theories and approaches, found in environmental ...

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