Digitala vårdalternativ på primärvårdsmarknaden - Högre måluppfyllnad för vårdgarantin eller enbart ökade samhällskostnader
Digital healthcare alternatives on the primary healthcare market - Does digital healthcare generate higher availability or just higher costs for society?
This paper examines the effect of digital healthcare alternatives on the healthcare goal set in the primary care. Meaning, if the increasing usage of digital healthcare through smartphone applications has helped unload the burden on traditional primary care.
A first look at the results show a weak positive correlation between usage of digital healthcare and the healthcare goal. On the other hand, the results of an IV-regression show that there is no significant evidence that digital healthcare has any positive effect on the guaranteed care in the traditional primary healthcare. The result even shows a negative effect.
Digital care and traditional primary care are not perfect substitutes and the increased access to healthcare through digital alternatives generates longer ques to the traditional primary care and fewer patients receive treatment within the guaranteed seven days. At the same time the overall cost for healthcare, financed through taxes, increases.
Even though this study is limited and focuses on a smaller part of the healthcare market, it contributes with an insight into the market. This study also gives an understanding of how the supply and demand on the healthcare market changes with the digital healthcare alternatives.
Student essay
Olsson, Maria
Sjöö, Linda