Väljares personlighet & Brexit i England och Skottland En väljarstudie om personlighetsdrag tillsammans med den kontext väljare lever i påverkade hur väljare röstade olika i England och Skottland i folkomröstningen om EU-medlemskapet.
This essay addresses the geographic dimension of how voters voted in the Brexit referendum. The question is if personality traits together with the demographic context voters live in, affected how they voted differently in England and Scotland. Previous research in the research field shows that ideological and demographic factors such as education-level, age and social class was affecting how the voters did vote.
Therefore the purpose with this study is to examine if personality traits (with help from the five factor-model) together with the context voters live in did have an effect on the variation of the vote between England and Scotland in the referendum. This is examined by a quantitative method, by analysing a dataset from British election study which tested their respondents by the five-factor model. The conclusion of this analyse is that the personality factors Openness, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism at a first glance shows an effect that are statistic significant. But, when including the context variables this relationship between the personality factors and the Brexit vote disappear. Therefore we also don’t see that personality traits influenced the variation in the result of the Brexit referendum between England and Scotland.
Student essay
Ström, Albert
The five factor model
demographic context
voting behaviour