Symmetry-protected topological phases: From Floquet theory to machine learning
It is by now a well known fact that boundary states in conventional time-independent
topological insulators are protected against perturbations that preserve relevant
symmetries. In the first part of this thesis, accompanying Papers A - C, we study how
this robustness extends to time-periodic (Floquet) topological insulators. Floquet
theory allows us to go beyond ordinary time-independent perturbations and study
also periodically-driven perturbations of the boundary states. The time-dependence
here opens up an extra lever of control and helps to establish the robustness to a
much broader class of perturbations. In Paper A, a general idea behind the topological
protection of the boundary states against time-periodic perturbations is
presented. In Paper B we address the experimental detection of the proposed robustness
and suggest that signatures of it can be seen in the measurements of linear
conductance. Our idea is explicitly illustrated on a case study: A topologically nontrivial
array of dimers weakly attached to external leads. The discussed features are
described analytically and confirmed numerically. All computations are performed
by employing a convenient methodology developed in Paper C. The idea is to combine
Landauer-Büttiker theory with the so-called Floquet-Sambe formalism. It is
shown that in this way all formulas for currents and densities essentially replicate
well known expressions from time-independent theory.
To find closed mathematical expressions for topological indices is in general a
nontrivial task, especially in presence of various symmetries and/or interactions.
The second part of the thesis introduces a computational protocol, based on artificial
neural networks and a novel topological augmentation procedure, capable of finding
topological indices with minimal external supervision. In Paper D the protocol is
presented and explicitly exemplified on two simple classes of topological insulators
in 1d and 2d. In Paper E we significantly advance the protocol to the classification
of a more general type of systems. Our method applies powerful machine-learning
algorithms to topological classification, with a potential to be extended to more
complicated classes where known analytical methods may become inapplicable.
The thesis is meant to serve as a supplement to the work contained in Papers A-E.
Here we provide an extensive introduction to Floquet theory, focused on developing
the machinery for describing time-periodic topological insulators. The basic theory
of artificial neural nets is also presented.
O. Balabanov and H. Johannesson, Robustness of symmetry-protected topological states against time-periodic perturbations, Phys. Rev. B 96, 035149 (2017). ::doi:: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.035149 O. Balabanov and H. Johannesson, Transport signatures of symmetry protection in 1D Floquet topological insulators, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32
015503 (2020). ::doi:: 10.1088/1361-648X/ab4319 O. Balabanov, Transport through periodically driven systems: Green’s function approach formulated within frequency domain (2018), (preprint available on arXiv) O. Balabanov and M. Granath, Unsupervised learning using topological data augmentation, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013354 (2020). ::doi:: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013354 O. Balabanov and M. Granath, Unsupervised interpretable learning of topological indices invariant under permutations of atomic bands (2020), (preprint available on arXiv)
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Department of Physics ; Institutionen för fysik
fredagen den 11 september 2020, kl 15:15 i PJ-salen, Institutionen för fysik, Fysikgården 2, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Balabanov, Oleksandr
Topological quantum matter,
neural networks
Floquet theory
Doctoral thesis
ISBN 978-91-8009-015-5 (PDF)
ISBN 978-91-8009-014-8 (PRINT)