Häxan och lejonet - en spegling av karaktärerna i evangelierna. En komparativ analys mellan boken och evangelierna
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - a Reflection of the Characters in the Gospels. A Comparative Analysis between the Book and the Gospels
This essay shows how characters from the gospels appear in the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. C. S. Lewis told that he wanted to send a Christian message with the book but in a hidden way. Something to discover when you come into contact with Christianity later in life. Which are the gospel characters in the book that make it possible to understand this story as an allegory to the Bible? In this essay I am not interested in the author Lewis. Previous research is very focused on how the author thought and what he wanted to achieve. Here I concentrate on comparing characters in the book with characters in the gospels, nothing else. I analyse the text and use a comparative method where I compare the book's narrative with the gospel narrative. I also use part of a narrative critical analysis where I divide the characters into Protagonist, Walk-on, Agent, Round character and Flat character. This essay will show that there are clear similarities between the characters of the book and those we meet in the gospels but also that no gospel is more prominent than another.
Student essay