Alla för alla, en för en: en kvantitativ analys av hur gemensam kontra individuell energimätning påverkar hushålls energiförbrukning.
All for all, one for one: a quantitive analysis of how common versus individual energy measurement affects households´ energy
The issue of climate change is becoming increasingly relevant and measures have been implemented all over the world to combat the resulting negative effects. A big emitter of greenhouse gases both in Sweden and internationally is the production and use of energy. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Swedish households can reduce their energy consumption. This is examined based on the research question: Do household energy consumption decrease when installing individual meters for heating and warm water consumption in housing cooperatives? The comparison is made between seven housing cooperatives in the municipality of Mölndal, where five of them use joint measuring of energy consumption and the remaining two use individual measuring. The method of individual measuring has become more common and publicly known during recent years due to scientific findings showing that the energy consumption of households on average decreases between 20 – 30%. Variables that affect this reduction are the age of the housing cooperatives, in some cases the price per square meter and area, the last of which is marginally decreasing. The regression in this thesis uses the same variables but leads to opposite results. In average the cooperatives with joint measuring have a smaller energy consumption than cooperatives with individual measuring, specifically -14.8% lower. The reason for the opposite result may not fully be explained by the thesis variables but may depend on factors not included in the data. More information about the cooperatives is needed to improve the results.
Student essay
Johansson, Christoffer
Wihlborg, Jacob
Samhällsvetenskapligt miljövetarprogram