ATT BEVARA, ANVÄNDA OCH UTVECKLA SOM VERKTYG OCH MÅL: En studie av de nationella målen för kulturmiljöarbetet i förhållande till den kommunala planeringen
Preservation, use and development as tools and goals: a study of the national goals for cultural environmental work in relation to municipal planning
Preservation, use and development of cultural heritage and cultural environments is important to achieve the national goals for cultural environmental work and the environmental quality goal Good built environment. Evaluation of these goals shows that this is not achieved to a sufficient extent and that the cultural environment work lacks in both terms of conservation and development of cultural environments. It shows that it is within the municipality that the cultural environment work must primarily be strengthened. Cultural environmental values are lost as a result of the fact that municipalities currently do not have sufficient resources to handle these values. To ensure that cultural environments are preserved, used and developed, it is required that the municipality's cultural environment activities to a greater extent are integrated into the physical planning.
One aim of the thesis has been to examine what guidelines there are for cultural environmental protection within municipal activities and how this should relate to municipal planning in order to achieve national goals. One purpose has also been to study what is required of the municipal planning in order to ensure that cultural environmental values are preserved, used and developed. The thesis is aimed to find out how cultural environmental values can be seen as resources for community development and to find examples of how these values can generate new values and help create a good built environment in line with environmental quality goals. The thesis also included a case study investigating the role of cultural environment issues in development and detail planning work in a municipality with an antiquarian´ s involvement through two detailed planning cases. Through interviews different planning actors' view on the cultural environment in the planning process and how the cultural environment can be perceived by the actors as a resource through conservation, use and development.
In order for the municipal cultural environment care to be integrated into the physical planning in a way that favors the preservation, use and development of cultural environments, the role and conditions of the antiquarian needs to change. The antiquarian needs to be involved in several stages of the planning process, which in addition to conservation issues also addresses development issues. In addition, the antiquarian needs to supplement its competence with knowledge of other aspects of valuation in addition to cultural-historical ones in order to better communicate and convey cultural environmental interest and assert this from both conservation, use and development aspects.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet 2018, 180 hp
Bodin, Clara
national goals for cultural environmental work
municipal planning
cultural environment work
ISSN 1101-3303