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dc.contributor.authorGarcía, Juan David
dc.contributor.authorGómez Vecchio, Tomás
dc.description.abstractESBL-producing bacteria are the second most common antibiotic resistant bacterial group occurring in Sweden. Colonization caused by ESBL-producing bacteria pose a serious challenge for treatment of both common and life-threatening infections. Half of healthcare related infections could have been prevented with the implementation of good hygiene practices. Aim: to identify which evidence-based nursing interventions do nurses use for prevent healthcare related ESBL-producing bacterial infections. Method: a literature review study based on 11 original articles. Results: The evidence gathered suggest a list of risk factors. Furthermore, the following list of successful evidence-based nursing interventions was gathered: screening of patients on a regular basis, isolation or cohorting of carriers and infected patients, evidence-based education of the staff on a regular basis, monitored hygiene routines, policy implementation accompanied by educational programs. Finally, the gathered evidence pointed out the following list of known obstacles: insufficient knowledge of hygiene routines and antibiotic resistant bacteria in general, factors as lack of time or work environment stress, poor or incorrect usage of working materials, non-compliance with hygiene guidelines, and frequency of abroad travelling. Conclusion: This literature review has contributed with: 1. Knowledge about which barriers should be overcome in order to increase compliance. 2. Best practice guidelines can improve the work towards enhanced patient safety. ESBL-producing bacterial infections implies significant healthcare costs in terms of extended care time and more complicated care processes. 3. To ensure health care of the best possible quality, nurses should continuously evaluate the quality of their interventions. 4. Continued research is necessary to support up to date evidence-based interventions. 5. Finally, more nursing research is needed. As mentioned before, nursing research is the basis for evidence-based nursing
dc.subjectinfection prevention, infection control, nursing interventions, ESBL-producing bacteria, compliance, hygiene
dc.titleA literature review -nurses’ interventions to prevent ESBLproducing bacterial infectionssv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Institute of Health and Care Sciences
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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