Convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation of FIB-SEM volumetric image data
Convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation of FIB-SEM volumetric image data
Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) is a well-established microscopy
technique for 3D imaging of porous materials. We investigate three porous
samples of ethyl cellulose microporous films made from ethyl cellulose and hydroxypropyl
cellulose (EC/HPC) polymer blends. These types of polymer blends are used
as coating materials on various pharmaceutical tablets or pellets and form a continuous
network of pores in the film. Understanding the microstructures of these porous
networks allow for controlling drug release. We perform semantic segmentation of the
image data, separating the solid parts of the material from the pores to accurately
quantify the microstructures in terms of porosity. Segmentation of FIB-SEM data is
complicated because in each 2D slice there is 2.5D information, due to parts of deeper
underlying cross-sections shining through in porous areas. The supposed shine-through
effect greatly complicates the segmentation in regards to two factors; uncertainty in
the positioning of the microstructural features and overlapping grayscale intensities
between pore and solid regions.
In this work, we explore different convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for pixelwise
classification of FIB-SEM data, where the class of each pixel is predicted using a
three-dimensional neighborhood of size (nx; ny; nz). In total, we investigate six types
of CNN architectures with different hyperparameters, dimensionalities, and inputs.
For assessing the classification performance we consider the mean intersection over
union (mIoU), also called Jaccard index. All the investigated CNNs are well suited
to the problem and perform good segmentations of the FIB-SEM data. The so-called
standard 2DCNN performs the best overall followed by different varieties of 2D and
3D CNN architectures. The best performing models utilize larger neighborhoods, and
there is a clear trend that larger neighborhoods boost performance. Our proposed
method improves results on all metrics by 1.35 - 3.14 % compared to a previously
developed method for the same data using Gaussian scale-space features and a random
forest classifier. The porosities for the three HPC samples are estimated to 20.34,
33.51, and 45.75 %, which is in close agreement with the expected porosities of 22,
30, and 45 %. Interesting future work would be to let multiple experts segment the
same image to obtain more accurate ground truths, to investigate loss functions that
better correlate with the porosity, and to consider other neighborhood sizes. Ensemble
learning methods could potentially boost results even further, by utilizing multiple
CNNs and/or other machine learning models together.
Student essay
Skärberg, Fredrik
Deep learning, convolutional neural networks, image analysis, semantic segmentation, focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy, porous materials, controlled drug release