FÖRÄNDRADE VÄLFÄRDSATTITYDER I EUROPA? En komparativ fallstudie av välfärdsattityder mellan tre postkommunistiska och tre västerländska EU-medlemsländer
The following thesis aims to explore how welfare attitudes in east European countries have
changed since the resolution of the Soviet Union and the fall of communism. It also aims to
explore whether or not the European Unions “Soft power” affects eastern European countries
and drive them towards western convergence. Previous research focuses on both individual and
contextual factors as explanations on why and how welfare attitudes change, but the research
is quite old and newer studies needs to be done as the post-communist countries has been under
a new leadership during an extensive period of time, and the countries in the thesis has also
been part of the EU for 16 years now. The study consists of two steps, first there is a comparative
case study, that compares welfare attitudes in eastern European countries between the years
1996 and 2016 and whether or not there is convergence on this field within the EU. Then an
analysis on which factors might affect individuals’ attitudes on welfare. The results of the study
show that there has been a change of attitudes over the 20 years that the data is from and some
factors are more likely to affect attitudes than others.
Student essay
Eriksson Wall, Ebba
Välfärdsattityder, Postkommunism, Östeuropa, Europeiska Unionen, Soft Power, Välfärdsregimer
Welfare attitudes, Postcommunism, Eastern Europe, European union, Soft Power, Welfare regimes