VÄGFÄRJANS KRITISKA VÄRDEN - Vägfärjans betydelse för uppfattningen om platsidentitet i ett skärgårdslandskap
Critical values of the road ferry – The importance of the road ferry for the perceived sense of place in an archipelago
This thesis aims to increase the knowledge on how inhabitants of the Öckerö municipality
values their existing ferry connection and why, as well as to find out whether a fixed
connection will affect their sense of place. This can then serve as a helpful
resource for the conservation practices of cultural heritage in understanding the function of
the regular sea traffic in the cultural landscape.
The survey shows that the existing connection is significant to the inhabitants perception of
local sense of place through aspects associated to security and community, as well as the
perceived unique traits of the municipality. The survey also verifies existing research in
certain areas, such as the experienced sense of a valuable specific island culture whose
protection could be attributed in great extent to the existence of the ferry connection. Part of
the experienced cultural value of the ferry connection is related to complex societal
issues regarding acceptance and exclusion, but it also holds a historical value which could be
a question for the conservation practices of cultural heritage to consider in the preservation of
cultural heritage for posterity
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med
inriktning mot bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet
2021, 180 hp
Kyldal, Filip
place identity
sense of place
bridging island
cultural heritage
critical heritage
ISSN 1101-3303