Sociala medier och bilden: En studie angående hur Instagram kan användas för bildskapande, bildkommunikation och främja det gemensamma lärandet
Today, social media is a natural part of our lives and very much so amongst young people. In my work placement as an art teacher, I notice that a number of students upload their works on social media and how almost everyone of them had a website or something similar. This made me start thinking about whether social media could have an influence on a younger person’s image creation and image communication. The purpose of this study was to investigate how young people use social media, in this case Instagram, when it comes to image creation and image communication, and how their ability to create images are affected by Instagram. The study also aimed to examine what opportunities there are to create new knowledge in art through social media and what similarities there is to be found to the school’s art education. The empirical evidence for the study was gathered through an ethnographic-online method and a visual method. The ethnographic-online method was carried out through observations within the digital forum, where digital field notes were also made through screenshots, and a digital survey that was sent out to potential research participants on Instagram. The results of the study were analyzed through the socio-cultural perspective on learning, a semiotic image analysis and with the support from previous research. The results show that the social network Instagram is used to share works of art, but there are also resources and didactic structures that the users themselves have created for the purpose of promoting joint learning. It was also possible to discover similarities to traditional art education and this points to that social media can be a potential tool to take into the world of art education.
Nyckelord: social media, Instagram, bildundervisning, sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, gemensamt lärande.
Student essay