Individers betalningsvilja för nötkött - En studie om hur en hypotetisk skatt på nötkött tas emot av den svenska befolkningen
Individuals' Willingness to Pay for Beef: a study about how a hypothetical tax on beef would be received by the Swedish population
The rise of greenhouse gas emissions is a problem for the environment. The livestock production stands for nearly 15 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world where beef
generates the largest emissions per kg of all sorts of meat. 1 kg of beef causes emissions by 28 kg 𝐶𝑂2-equivalents. Recently there has been a discussion on an environmental tax to beef consumption as an alternative to reduce emissions. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate how a consumption tax on beef would look like in Sweden and to estimate its population’s willingness to pay. A contingent valuation survey has been conducted to estimate the people’s willingness to pay and analyze the effect of environmental awareness. A hypothetical tax was calculated based on the beef’s emission factor and the current 𝐶𝑂2 tax in Sweden. The hypothetical tax is 33,60 kronor per kg sold beef. The results showed that the consumers average willingness to pay for a tax was 21,70 kronor per kg sold beef. The tax level is higher than the willingness to pay but it also showed that the consumers did not totally oppose a tax. The result also indicates that environmental awareness has a significant positive effect on the willingness to pay for beef.
Student essay
Persson, Jonas
Wahlöö, Claudia
greenhouse gas emissions
climate change
environmentally awareness
Pigouvian tax
double dividend
willingness to pay
contingent valuation