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dc.contributor.authorGlans, Jakob
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this thesis is to establish and concretize my compositional process, compositional technique and aesthetic as a unified art movement. A new definition of a genre/musical practice containing strict rules to composition and presentation of said composition, the movement is created from my own art and philosophy. I will establish this genre through thoroughly examining my own compositions and my inspirations - picking out the most important aspects and synthesizing them into a new movement. The movement will then be defined in a manifest. A manifest of rules for composition, presentation of the composition and other surrounding factors. At the end of the thesis I will look back upon the process as a whole and discuss the present and future of the manifest. What the value of the manifest is and what it represents to my future work. I chose this topic to help better understand my process and aesthetic. To finally put my thoughts together into a thesis and gain control over them. Realizing how and why I create what I create. I am choosing to start the thesis with the manifest itself and then going back to explain in detail what every commandment of the manifest represents and how they came into
dc.subjectMusical manifestsv
dc.subjectArtistic researchsv
dc.titleEstablishing musical brutalism. The brutalist manifest and its backgroundsv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Academy of Music and Dramaeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Högskolan för scen och musikswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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