Borta bra men hemma bäst, eller? En fallstudie om hur ledarskap, engagemang och motivation förändrats under distansarbete
In March 2020, Covid-19 reached Swedish borders, and the spread went from small to large inonly a few weeks. In April the same year, a large part of Swedish workforce was asked to work from home. Under this year, businesses have been forced to adapt to new flexible working
methods, both when it comes to technology and the requirements of new leadership. The purpose
of this study has been to examine how human resources managers and employees have
experienced the transition to remote work. The study has too examined how managers and
employees believe we will work after the corona pandemic. The study aimed to give firm
recommendations to businesses of how they can use organizational theory to their advantage, in
the transition to more flexible working methods.
The empirical material is collected by qualitative interviews with twelve people from three
different companies. As a complement to the interviews, former studies and organizational
theories have been used to create a relevant frame of references. The conclusion of the study was that both managers and employees have experienced a change in motivation, and that the most apparent lack during the pandemic was social interaction. People miss each other and the ability to communicate live, and it has been a real challenge to create similar fields online. The leader has a great significance when work is remote based and a need for strong distance leadership has increased. The study has proved that people have individual needs, and get motivated by different things, which increases the importance of an observant and engaged leader even more.
The relationship between colleagues and managers has also proved to be of great importance for the engagement when working from home, as colleagues have become our digital workplace. Finally, the study has shown that the change to the new way of working has created a strong will to work flexibly in the future, half the week at home, and half the week at the office. There is no desire to return to 100% office hours and office landscapes after the corona pandemic.
Student essay
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Bjärkling, Lovisa
Blomstrand, Matilda
Series/Report no.
Management & organisation