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dc.contributor.authorIdborg, Amanda
dc.description.abstractThe discourse used by Iván Duque and Nicolás Maduro when dealing with the topic of Colombian migration reform Estatuto Temporal de Protección, which grants Venezuelan migrants in Colombia temporary refuge through legal regularization, differ significantly in how they portray the migratory situation of the region, as well as in the way that the two politicians present themselves. Two speeches given close to the announcement of the reform, one by Iván Duque and one by Nicolás Maduro, have in this investigation been compared and analyzed, leading to the following conclusions. Iván Duque focuses his speech on the creation of an image of himself as a respected, stable and humanitarian leader. Nicolás Maduro opts instead for a discursive approach based on discrediting his critics through verbal attack and on presenting accusations towards his opponents and the media of spreading misinformation about him and his rule. Where Iván Duque seeks to legitimize himself with international actors, Maduro uses direct criticism of named actors to seek to legitimize himself with his existing
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSPL kandidatuppsats, spanskasv
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSPL 2021-046sv
dc.subjectIván Duquesv
dc.subjectNicolás Madurosv
dc.subjectanálisis de discursosv
dc.subjectEstatuto Temporal de Protecciónsv
dc.subjectanálisis de discurso políticosv
dc.titleLas diferencias discursivas entre Duque y Maduro: Un análisis comparativo de dos discursos sobre el Estatuto Temporal de Protecciónsv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Languages and Literatureseng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för språk och litteraturerswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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