POSITIONSFÖRFLYTTNING I EU-FRÅGAN - En analys av hur MP, V och SD uttrycker sig om EU i samband med att de avlägsnat kravet på EU-utträde
The Swedish Green Party, the Swedish Left Party and the Sweden Democrats are the only
political parties that have shifted from advocating for Sweden to leave the European Union to
accepting the Swedish EU-membership in the past 15 years. Previous research in this field
has focused on explaining how different political parties position themselves towards, or
express their views on, the European Union. Little research has been done on how parties
express their views on the European Union when shifting their EU-policy. This essay aims to
analyze how the Swedish Green Party, Swedish Left Party and Sweden Democrats explain
their position to the EU before and after removing their aspiration to leave the EU from their
party programmes.
The qualitative research of party programmes and debate articles results in three primary
findings. Firstly, all of the three parties use similar themes when discussing their EU-policy
both before and after the repositioning. However, they approach these themes from different
angles due to their ideological differences. Secondly, the Swedish Left party rarely mentions
any benefits with international cooperation despite their globalist ideology. Thirdly, the
parties do not bring up more positive aspects of the EU after repositioning.
Student essay
Lundgren, Lisa
Sverigedemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Vänsterpartiet, Euroskepticism, Europeiska Unionen, partiompositionering
Sweden Democrats, Swedish Green Party, Swedish Left Party, Euroscepticism, European Union, EU, party position change