Vilka aspekter påverkar företags investeringsbeslut för CCUS/bio-CCS?
Background: Global warming has emphasised the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases around the world. The EU is one of many that has committed to becoming climate neutral and they make use of EU-ETS by increasing the costs for companies with emissions. Companies have started looking at technologies such as CCUS and bio-CCS to reduce their emissions, but the historic rollout has been marked by many obstacles. The conditions for CCUS and bio-CCS are considered to be good in Sweden and several companies have plans to build facilities in the coming years.
Purpose: To evaluate whether recent developments in the field have led to an improved investment climate or whether the historical uncertainties remain, the purpose of this report is to examine the aspects that underline companies’ decision to invest in CCUS/bio-CCS technology.
Method: The study takes a qualitative research approach with a focus on companies in Sweden. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from companies from manufacturing industries as well as electricity and heat producing companies covered by the EU-ETS. All companies have made an active decision regarding whether to proceed with CCUS/bio-CCS projects or not. A literature review was conducted on previous research in the field to be compared and analysed in relation to the responses collected from the respondents in this study.
Conclusion: The study shows that there are still many uncertainties that influence companies’ investment decisions, even though the situation has shown signs of improvement. There is a need for incentives to create market conditions for CCUS in general, but for bio-CCS in particular since there are currently no incentives in place. Politicians have a great responsibility in providing support in the near future to promote the roll-out of more projects but also in creating long-term conditions for CCUS/bio-CCS to be self-sufficient.
Student essay
Gold, Maximilian
Lundgren, Emil