Trädgårdsmästarens trädinventering : en metodstudie för att bedöma värden, risk och mångfald
The Gardener's Tree Inventory: A Method Study to Assess Values, Risk and Diversity
This thesis’ focus is on the gardeners methods of how to work with trees, with a broad focus on biological diversity, risk and cultural-historical values. It tries to find the answer to what the gardeners professional knowledge must be and if there is any standards or models that can be of use for the gardener. The study also includes an interview with experts on tree-management and a cultural-historical viewpoint. The goal of the study is to give a greater nuance on the work with trees. Especially veteran trees with high natural values in the cultural-historical important facilities. This is to make a clear example of the difficulties that can arise in these types of environments with an attempt to see if the gardeners craftsmanship and knowledge is used in a good way in todays expert-society. To furthermore see the expertise of a potential gardener, a model for inventory was created and tried out at Gunnebo Slott & Trädgårdar, an environment with a castle and gardens from the end of the 18th century with high values, both from a cultural-historical, and a biological diversity view. Since it is a popular place to visit, the old trees at Gunnebo can in many ways be risk-trees. It is a paper about the craftsman, the gardener, and the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to take good care of trees in complex environments.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård med inriktning mot Trädgårdens hantverk, 2022
Norberg, Johan
Biologisk mångfald
Kulturhistoriska värden
Komplexa miljöer