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dc.contributor.authorSvensson, Teodor
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims to study the word virtue as a concept, which entails the exploration of uses and perceptions of virtue as well as associated practices in the social and political arena during the Swedish 14th century. The theoretical foundation of this study is a combination of Reinhart Koselleck’s conceptual history and speech act theory in accordance with Quentin Skinner and J.L. Austin. Based on this theory the thesis asks what the understandings and usages of the word virtue highlights about experiences and expectations in social and political practices during the Swedish 14th century. The sources used include the rhymed chronicle Erikskrönikan, the Swedish mirror of princes Konungastyrelsen, and the chivalric tales known as Eufemiaviosrna. These three sources belong to different genres, but they were written or translated into Swedish during the first half of the 14th century. The main findings of the study show that virtue in the Swedish sources referred to and signified the cardinal and theological virtues of Latin Christendom, old Nordic wisdom, courtliness as well as personal qualities such as benevolence. Virtue in the texts is furthermore tied to and embedded in practices as for example the courtly love of the aristocracy, saints’ worship, scholarly debates about the nature of virtue, courtly rituals, and gift giving. Throughout these findings it is possible to perceive the potential cause, author intentions and audience reactions regarding the use and occurrence of virtue in the texts. These aspects show the existence of different but simultaneous perceptions of what virtue indicates. The results furthermore point to a view of time which is circular and repetitive rather than linear and changing.en_US
dc.subjectSweden, 14th century, Middle Ages, History of Concepts, Speech Act Theory, Virtue, Space of Experiences, Horizon of Expectations.en_US
dc.titleMedeltidens dygd. En begreppshistorisk undersökning om dygden_US
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Historical Studieseng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för historiska studiersve
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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