Healing or Harmful? A case study of healing crystals supply chain and how transparency can work as a tool for retailers when developing a sustainability strategy
The market for healing crystals has exploded in recent years due to increased consumer
interest in the ‘healing’ qualities it may offer. The main problems within the healing crystal
industry is the unsafe and unethical labor conditions among others, but the most critical part
is the lack of transparency within the supply chains which leaves consumers and retailers
unknowing of the actual social, environmental and economic impacts of crystals. Studies
have shown that more light needs to be shed on the supply chain in order for governments,
producers and consumers to gain understanding of the impacts caused. The purpose of this
thesis was to analyze how a small-scale retailer of crystals can, with the help of a transparent
supply chain, develop a sustainable business approach in order to contribute to a less harmful
industry. Thus the research was conducted with a case study with a qualitative approach and
analyzed with the theoretical framework consisting of the stakeholder theory, corporate
sustainability model, triple bottom line, supply chain management among others.
Furthermore, empirical background was summarized with articles of previous research and
used to gain deeper understanding for the research area. From the empirical findings
conclusions were drawn that there is a need for third-party verifications within the field,
extensive monitoring regarding effects related to sustainability and a code of conduct for
retailers in order to put more pressure on suppliers. This thesis contributes to how small-scale
retailers can work with sustainability throughout the supply chain by creating the right tools
to influence the three pillars of sustainability.
Student essay
Graflund, Linnéa
Paanalahti, Elena
gemstone mining industry, Green Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Transparency, Supply chain
Environmental Management/Uthålligt företagande 21/22:20