Spår av rabatter, kullar, grafvar, broar och postamenter: En studie av Svartsjö köks- och lustträdgård
Traces of flowerbeds, hills, trenches, bridges and plinths: A study of the potager and ornamental gardens of Svartsjö Palace
This essay strives to explore and understand the relationship between the built
cultural heritage and the green cultural heritage. Historically estates, villas and
houses were created and built as a harmony between its buildings and its
surrounding gardens. The close relationship between the two is not always
understandable or discernable today. The reason why this relationship has become
unclear is the way in which society approach the built and the green heritage; in
terms of knowledge, funding and maintenance.
A building that has attained listed status often has clear values assigned to it, with
information regarding what is protected and how the building should be maintained,
and with what materials and methods. The same cannot be said for gardens and
parks, where values are often described in a generic fashion with an emphasis on
keeping them unchanged, maintenance is rarely described in the listing and the same
goes for materials and methods. A building is in nature inanimate, and as such does
not evolve by itself, and the protection of the same is to keep it unchanged. The same
cannot be said of gardens, which are natural and everchanging, and the value lies in
the design and maintenance by man. This disparity between the building and its
garden or park lowers or hinders the understanding of the created whole.
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen med huvudområdet kulturvård
med inriktning mot bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet
2022, 180 hp
Källgren, Magnus
cultural heritage, garden, potager
ISSN 1101-3303 2022:11