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dc.contributor.authorMackellie, Isabelle
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to create a contribution to research in digitization with a focus on transformation, towards data-driven organization that includes data-informed decisions, in the construction sector. The results of the study have also resulted in company-specific recommendations to the studied company NCC. The study takes its position from and implemented IT solution in NCC's business area infrastructure (Sweden). The study is based on those for whom the change is intended, ie end users' perspectives. With the following questions; What are the prerequisites for the project reporting via the Project portal to take place according to the business's processes? What experience can be gained from implementing future sustainable and successful IT implementations from this change? As a theoretical framework resistance management, change management, feedback, Kotter 8-step model for successful change management and data governance models has been used together with previous research regarding business data and data-driven organization. The study is a qualifying study where 18 semi-structured interviews were conducted, coded and used as the studies data foundation, together with internal and external information about NCC. This study combines an inductive and deductive research methodology, so-called abductive research methodology (Saunders et al. 2012). Where the end result has shown that in order to succeed with the intended goals transform the organizations operations towards data-driven organization that makes data-informed decisions. NCC require to focus change management on the implementing phase and facilitating common goals and objectives throughout the hole organization. Systematically work with follow-up and feedback, through a common strategy for uniformity across the different departments. And provide training and production-related support is also required. However, not only in IT functionality but mainly in working methods within the IT for end-users.en_US
dc.subjectBusiness data, change management, data driven, data governance, data informed, digitalisation, feedback, NCC, resistance management, transparency, transformationen_US
dc.titleSKRÄP IN; SKRÄP UT - Om NCC:s utmaningar att bli ett datadrivet företagen_US
dc.title.alternativeGARBAGE IN; GARBAGE OUT -about NCC:S challenges to become a datadriven companyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of Sociology and Work Scienceeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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