Environmentally friendly, or friendly environment? Exploring environmental sustainability as a motive for residential mobility
Considering worldwide urban growth, and the challenges involved concerning sustainable development, the aim of this thesis is to broaden knowledge about the drivers and motivations concerning intra-urban residential mobility. With a specific focus on exploring environmental sustainability as a possible motive for residential mobility, the empirical data is gathered from fourteen semi-structured, in-depth interviews with residents in the Gothenburg metropolitan area, in Sweden.
Departing from both classical and contemporary migration theory, as well as time-geography, the results from this study both confirm and evolve conclusions from previous research. It is found that, first of all, family matters. The desire to assure a safe and comfortable upbringing for one’s children seem to exceed all other matters. Secondly, proximity matters. However, proximity is first and foremost convenient in many aspects of life, and then as a bonus, it is also environmentally sustainable. While environmental sustainability is found have a rather week influence on residential mobility, is still largely affects individuals’ daily life through an array of mitigation strategies.
The findings suggest that planners and decision makers must take a majority of the responsibility in making sure cities grow sustainably, through supporting and promoting its population to make decisions that are environmentally sustainable and planning the physical environment in a way that supports a sustainable development.
Student essay
Stööp Lindgren, Felix
Residential mobility, residential migration, life course migration, amenity migration, lifestyle migration, time-geography, environmental sustainability, sustainable urban development, proximity.
Masteruppsats i Geografi med kulturgeografisk inriktning 2022:1