Modelling façade temperature using meteorological data
Urbanization has increased drastically during the last century, and in 2007, the urban population
exceeded that of the rural. Urban areas tend to be warmer than those of its surrounding due to the
urban heat island effect (UHI) which can bring harmful effects to people living in urban areas. The
increasing urbanization has highlighted the need for urban climate models to inform our decisions as
we expand our cities. In this report, the UCGfaçade22 (Urban Climate Group façade temperature
2022) model was developed to estimate façade temperature using meteorological data including
incoming shortwave radiation, air temperature and wind speed as well as physical variables inherent
to the building. The model results were compared to observed façade temperatures an east- and a
south-facing façade of the Geovetarcentrum in Gothenburg, Sweden as well as the SOlar and
LongWave Environmental Irradiance Geometry-model (SOLWEIG). The results show a mean
absolute error (MAE) of 0.85 °C and 1.30 °C between the observed and estimated façade
temperatures on the east and south façade, respectively. The model was compared to SOLWEIG on
one clear day and resulted in a decrease in MAE of 2.15 °C.
Student essay
Maesel, Erik