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dc.contributor.authorRåmark, Aliisa
dc.descriptionDegree project for Master of Science with a major in Conservation 2022, 30 HEC Second Cycle [22/30]en_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the impact of implementing Augmented Reality (AR) technology in Tanum World heritage from the perspective of access to heritage and the value of digital heritage. Sweden has some of the best-preserved Bronze Age rock art worldwide, with more than 20,000 rock art sites around the country. In addition, Tanum World Heritage contains an estimated 600 rock carving sites, and it was highlighted by the World Heritage Committee for its uniqueness and range of versatility of rock carvings. However, with the public’s lack of physical and perceptual access to rock art in Tanum, and the debate regarding the physical painting of rock art, this thesis aims to explore whether AR technology can contribute to the heritage experience and accessibility of rock art through digital dissemination. Furthermore, with the vast development of digital technology and its increasing adaptation in the cultural heritage field, this thesis seeks to understand the different perceptions and impacts surrounding this trend. The research is divided into two parts: a case study that investigates the practical opportunities of AR technology in rock art dissemination and information increasement, and a bounded socio-technical experiment (BSTE) that involves a participatory workshop for understanding the public perspective on digital heritage.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesISSN 1101-3303 / ISRN GU/KUV—22/30—SEen_US
dc.subjectAugmented Reality, Rock Art, Accessibility, Digital Heritage, Tanum World Heritageen_US
dc.titleRock Art in Technicolour Exploring Augmented Reality as an Accessibility Tool for Rock Art in Tanum World Heritageen_US
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Conservationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvårdswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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