Vad är större: En Quarter Pounder eller en Third-Pound hamburgare?
Fractions, and calculations involving them, appear to be a difficult topic for students to grasp.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate what secondary school teachers can do to
improve their teaching practice regarding fractions. This paper is a literary study based on fraction
related searches in academic data bases. It examines how fractions can be understood, and
what types of misconceptions and difficulties that can be found among students all the way up
to upper secondary school. It also presents what teachers, according to different research, should
do to improve their teaching practice regarding fractions and how fractions were dealt with in
ancient Egypt. We have found that students have several fraction-related misconceptions and
difficulties, such as whole number bias or gap thinking. It appears that this is due to focusing
too much on procedures instead of quality education focusing on building conceptual understanding.
We conclude that education should highlight the differences between whole numbers
and fractions, and focus on the measurement aspects of fractions rather than on part-whole
relationships. A road to success for students struggling to understand fractions could be visualizing
unit fractions and focusing on the sizes of unit fractions in relation to the number line,
even when working with non-unit fractions.
Student essay
Brandebäck, Yuli
Edoff, Joakim
Haglund, Adam
Bråk, missuppfattningar, svårigheter, undervisning, heltalsbias, delhelhet, mätning, stambråk, konceptuell förståelse, Egypten.