Ifrågasatt! En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares arbete med klienter med utomeuropeisk bakgrund och lågt förtroende för socialtjänsten.
Swedish Social services have been exposed to a misleading campaign with false
allegations of kidnapping migrant children - especially Muslims- in order to forcely
assimilate them in the Swedish culture and society. The aim of this study is to
approach the experience of social secretaries working with families, with non -
European backgrounds, that show low - trust to them. Previous studies show the
effectiveness of trust to achieve a good work alliance which results in qualitative
childcare and protection. The empirical material has been analyzed on the
framework of organization theories, Sense of coherence (SOC), intercultural
perspective and childhood sociology. The respondents are social secretaries from
different areas in Sweden with long experience with their work with the mentioned
families. We use a qualitative method to analyze the empirical material using the
concept of thematic analysis.
Our study shows mistrust's effect on social work with children in addition to the
prerequisites that can take place at different levels such as: a) the interpersonal level,
b) the organizational and societal level so as to the solutions can be ostensible and
grounded. We came to the conclusion that when society and the organization's
responsibilities fail, subsequently, the responsibility will lie on social secretaries.
For this reason, we believe that further efforts to reduce the consequences of parents'
mistrust of social services and to bridge the trust gap between parents and social
services are of great importance.
Student essay
Al-Aqab, Anwar
Simonsen, Janiett
social secretary
child and family unit
non -European background
barn- och familjeenheten
utomeuropeisk bakgrund