Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Statsvetenskapliga institutionen by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 60
The personal and the political : how personal welfare state experiences affect political trust and ideology
(2002)Citizens in advanced industrial democracies frequently have personal experiences with public services and welfare state arrangements. They may have regular contact with public health care services, schools, public ... -
Demokratisk kompetens : om gymnasiet som demokratiskola
(2007)Aktivt medborgarskap är ett ledord i svensk demokratipolitik. Jämlikt deltagande i politiken är ett annat. Skolan anförtros en viktig politisk roll i detta avseende. Läroplanen påbjuder att alla ungdomar på ett likvärdigt ... -
Democrats Without Borders. A Critique of Transnational Democracy
(2008-11-07)Some scholars claim that globalisation compels us to radically rethink democracy both in theory and practice. This dissertation disputes such claims by arguing against two suggested normative models of transnational ... -
Understanding Governmental Legislative Capacity. Harmonization of EU legislation in Lithuania and Romania
(2008-11-13)Governmental legislative capacity is a crucial ability for any government that wishes to fulfil intended goals. Without this capacity, there is a great risk that the decision making system will be paralyzed. This study ... -
Voters' Perceptions of Party Politics - A Multilevel Approach
(2009-04-30)Modern representative democracies are often described as government by the consent of the governed rather than government by the people. Elections play a central role in this context and several theorists of modern democracy ... -
Economic Voting and Issue Ownership. An Integrative Approach
(2009-05-08)The aim of this dissertation is to improve our understanding of how economic changes influence popular support for political parties. Previous studies have generally found that there is a tendency for the popular support ... -
Hur mycket mångfald tål demokratin? Demokratiska dilemman i ett mångkulturellt Sverige.
(2009-05-15)How diverse, in terms of values, lifestyles and identities, can a society be without negative effects on democracy? To what extent does cultural diversity challenge democracy, and how should we respond to this challenge? ... -
Promising Democracy. Parties, Citizens and Election Promises
(2009-09-11)Election promises have important roles to play in representative democracy. This book gives focus to what seems to be a puzzling controversy between scholars and ordinary citizens concerning whether or not politicians ... -
Voices from the Welfare State. Dissatisfaction and Political Action in Sweden
(2009-09-24)The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between citizens’ dissatisfaction with the welfare state and political action on welfare state issues, and to what extent institutional arrangements affects this ... -
Climate Policy as a Window of Opportunity. Sweden and Global Climate Change
(2009-12-18)Because of their social dilemma character, global environmental problems are difficult to successfully manage. States have few incentives to contribute to the common good because doing so would imply costs but not guarantee ... -
WAR AND UNREASON. Bounded Learning Theory and War Duration
(2010-02-15)Why are some wars longer than others? Offense-defense theorists have assumed that wars are shorter and it is more difficult for states to create security when military technology favors the offense and attacking is easier ... -
Marknaden och lärarna. Hur organiseringen av skolan påverkar lärares offentliga tjänstemannaskap
(2011-01-03)Går det att styra lärare genom skolans organisering? Tidigare forskning ger motsägelsefulla besked och framställer vanligtvis lärare som antingen i hög grad mottagliga för politisk styrning eller nära nog politiskt ostyrbara. ... -
Politiker med karriärambitioner – en omöjlig självklarhet: En studie om karriärambitionernas betydelse i den representativa demokratin.
(2011-05-09)This book studies the role of individuals’ personal ambitions in politics. Swedish Members of Parliament, especially those who express an interest in reaching higher up the political ladder, are in focus. The question is ... -
Bedroom Politics. How family policies affect women’s fertility and union formation decisions.
(2011-08-25)Most studies on policies’ effect on fertility depart from the assumption that fertility decisions are taken within unions, by partners who behave altruistically towards each other. This study argues that such a focus misses ... -
Den förhandlade makten. Kulturella värdekonflikter i den svenska skolan.
(2011-10-26)Sjögren, Fredrik Negotiated Power. Cultural Value Conflicts in Swedish Compulsory Schools (Swedish title: Den förhandlade makten. Värdekonflikter i den svenska skolan). Swedish text. English summary. Göteborg Studies in ... -
Deliberativ undervisning – en empirisk studie
(2012-11-16)Since the early 2000s, the deliberative turn in democratic theory has influenced the debate on teaching. The proponents of deliberation in education have argued that deliberative teaching both enhances subject knowledge ... -
National Institutions – International Migration. Labour Markets, Welfare States and Immigration Policy
(2012-12-13)All advanced capitalist countries admit entry to some immigrants and refuse entry to others. Despite the fact that all these countries accept some, but not all, potential immigrants, the variation when it comes to the ... -
Technocracy within Representative Democracy. Technocratic Reasoning and Justification among Bureaucrats and Politicians
(2013-04-19)The terms ‘technocracy’ and ‘technocrat’ are becoming part of common usage and it is frequently argued that technocratic decision-making is increasing due to the growing complexity of political matters. However, there is ... -
Institutional Impediments and Reluctant Actors – The Limited Role of Democracy Aid in Democratic Development.
(2013-06-10)Poverty reduction and societal modernization have traditionally been the main goals for development aid but increasingly, since the early 1990s, democracy and human rights have ascended in importance and democracy aid has ...