School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1561-1580 of 1831
A note on the first moment of extreme order statistics from the normal distribution
(2000)In this note some well known asymptotic results for moments of order statistics from the normal distribution are treated. The results originates from the work of Cramér. A bias correction for finite sample sizes is proposed ... -
Growth, Income Distribution, and Poverty: A Review
(2000)This paper reviews the recent literature dealing with the relationships between economic growth, income distribution, and poverty. This generally fails to find any systematic pattern of change in income distribution during ... -
Breaking the Screen Barrier
(2000)This thesis is based on an important development in human-computer interface design: the move from primarily screen-based interfaces – based on the Windows-Icons-Menus-Pointer (WIMP) and Graphical Users Interfaces (GUI) ... -
Compensatory inter vivos gifts
(2000)Empirical studies of intergenerational transfers usually find that bequests are equally divided among heirs while inter vivos gifts tend to be compensatory. Using the 1992 and 1994 waves of the Health and Retirement Study, ... -
IT in Healthcare - Artefacts, Infrastructures and Medical Practices
(2000)Globally, health care is making huge investments in information technology. Several studies illustrate that IT implementations have been fraught with problems. Everywhere, the problems appear to be similar, irrespective ... -
Knowledge-as-Action and Knowledge Development
(2000)This paper takes a critical look at the way in which knowledge development programmes are constructed by management in organisations. It is suggested that even though an increasing number of individuals in charge of human ... -
Deadweight or Turbokick? On support for line management and the implementation of change.
(2000)Change is easy to decide upon and to plan, but hard to implement. This paper deals with the paradox that despite the most favourable conditions, such as consensus and abundant resources, the outcome of all the efforts is ... -
From M-form to N-form: The Structure of Multinational Corporations
(2000)The purpose of this study is to map, illuminate and explain the recent development of the strategies, structure and control of multinational corporations. The aim is to identify crucial problems in managing and organizing ... -
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Hur svenska multinationella företag tillvaratar och sprider sina kunskaper
(2000)Kan kunskap administreras? Finns det verktyg med vars hjälp kunskap kan styras och kontrolleras? Skapas kunskapsutvecklingoch lärande genom att tillsätta knowledge managers och bygga upp databaser och nät? Av undersökningar ... -
Environmental Taxation in Airline Markets
(2000)Over the last two decades many airline markets have been deregulated, resulting in increased competition and use of different types of networks. At the same time there has been an intense discussion on environmental taxation ... -
Informality, Ethnicity and Productivity Evidence from Small Manufacturers in Kenya
(2000)A rapidly increasing share of firms in Kenya consists of not only small but also informal establishments. This paper investigates the role of ethnicity and other factors in the choice of formality status at start-up. ... -
A comprative study of some approaches for constructing tolerance limits
(2000)In a dose finding study the aim is to come up with a safe and efficient drug administration. By comparing the obtained tolerance limits with predetermined desired concentration limits, i.e. the therapeutic window, one may ... -
Likriktning av hotellverksamhet uttryck och konsekvenser
(2000)Likriktning inom en bransch eller på en marknad är enligt ett institutionellt perspektiv en naturlig följd av behovet att erhålla legitimitet från sin omvärld. Man följer ideal som är vanliga och populära för den aktuella ... -
Nord Pool: A Power Market Without Market Power
(2000)Regulatory reform in the Nordic electricity-supply markets has resulted in a single integrated Nordic electricity market. This paper performs an econometric study of market power in the spot market of Nord Pool, the joint ... -
A Microeconomic Analysis of Institutions
(2000)This survey paper has three themes; a microeconomic analysis of institutions, an institutional analysis of microeconomics, and a discussion on the scope for an "institutional microeconomics" that takes insights ... -
Organizing Sustainable Development. From Diffusion to Translation
(2000)Policy changes towards global sustainable development have important consequences for how these policies are organized. New and alternative models of organizing tend to emphasize indirect control rather than direct control ... -
Mobile Knowledge
(2000)Both the issues of “knowledge management” and “mobility” have received much attention recently. The interest in these issues is often motivated by the fact that work, in many organisations, has become “knowledge intensive” ... -
Om managementteori
(2000)Artikeln beskriver de två dominerande tanketraditionerna inom managementteori, den rationella respektive den normativa styrfilosofin. Detta görs genom att redogöra för huvuddragen i utvecklandet av respektive styrfilosofi, ... -
Bracketing an issue in a product develoment process
(2000)This paper deals with action in the complex setting of a large product develeopment project a new year model of a car. The prespective is that of one engineer who has discovered a problem with the prototype car he is ... -
Bread and Peace Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections
(2000)A simple "Bread and Peace" model shows that aggregate votes for President in postwar elections were determined entirely by weighted-average growth of real disposable personal income per capita during the incumbent ...